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Cheap Life Hack for FANTASTIC Smelling Clothes That Lasts Forever

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Facebook user Kelsey Darby Mellor shared an awesome life hack for making clothes smell great after throwing them in the drier.

Best of all, the method will last FOREVER!

Instructions for Australian

  1. Don't go crazy like this lady buying 50 sponges. Just grab a single pack from your local supermarket.
  2. Make sure they are just sponges and not a scourer on the other side.
  3. Chop each sponge in half to give you double the amount. If there are 3 in a pack then you will have 6 now.
  4. Grab an air-tight container. Don't go too big either. About a 1 litre capacity should be fine.
  5. Place sponges in the container first and then use half softener and half water to fill. Not too high or you will spill it. Mix well.
  6. Squeeze excess liquid out of 1-2 sponges and throw them in the dryer.
  7. When done, place used sponges back in liquid. Repeat and never buy dryer sheets ever again. EVER.

This should go without saying, but here are instructions on what NOT TO DO with this lifehack.

  • Don't drink the liquid from the container.
  • Use gloves just to be save
  • Don't use the scourer style sponges
  • Don't leave the container in reach of small children
  • Don't fill it up too high and make sure the sponges are in before you add liquid (they take up space)

Let us know on Facebook if YOU have any Life Hacks as we would love to share them with everyone!