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Lost In Space Season 3 Teaser Trailer for Final Season

Lost in Space is coming back for a third and final season on Netflix and the teaser trailer looks like there will be a lot of action to come.

"This is Will Robinson of the 24th colonist group. If you're watching this recording, there's a chance things didn't work out the way I hoped they would." the voice-over explains.

"I thought that … I thought I could save everybody. I'm doing this so you all can survive because you are my family and I love you. I just hope it's enough. This is my Final Transmission." 

There are tonnes of explosions and destruction, returning regular characters, and the memorable theme song.

For those not aware, Netflix's Lost in Space is a remake of the show that aired in 1965. It stars Mina Sundwall as Penny Robinson.

She is ten years old and really wants everything to be okay for her family.

Her older sister Judy, played by Taylor Russell, is fifteen years old.

She is trying to take care of the family at all costs even if it means withstanding

The main characters are the Robinson family: John and Maureen Robinson, their kids' Penny, Judy, and Will.

The Robinsons are going to space on a mission of colonization.

At first, everything is fine then they get caught in a rip in time and meet the crazy Dr. Smith (Parker Posey).

They have to learn how to work together as a family through it all.

Lost in Space Season 3 hits Netflix this December 1st ready for binging.


BONUS: Here's the recap of Season 1 and Season 2 for those interested (Spoilers within Naturally)